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Some of the metrics wont be available with as it does not provide them, eg: latency, connection time and others.

You have two options here - generate CSV file and upload it to the application, or use jtl listener service and upload the results continuously while running your test.


Please note that the below-mentioned listeners currenty support only distributed mode.

Generating and uploading JTL file

Download into your locust project folder.

Register the listener in your locust test by placing event listener at the very end of the file:

from jtl_listener import JtlListener

def on_locust_init(environment, **_kwargs):
JtlListener(env=environment, project_name="project name",
scenario_name="scenario name",
environment="tested envitonment",

Generate api token in the application and set it as JTL_API_TOKEN env variable.

After the test finishes you will find a jtl file in logs folder.

Continuous results uploading

Download into your locust project folder.

Register the listener in your locust test by placing event listener at the very end of the file:

from jtl_listener_service import JtlListener


def on_locust_init(environment, **_kwargs):
JtlListener(env=environment, project_name="project name",
scenario_name="scenario name",

Generate api token in the application and set it as JTL_API_TOKEN env variable.

Once you run your test, the plugin will start uploading results to jtl listener service.